Web Cam Sept 8 9:13 pm

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Web Cam Sept 8 9:13 pm

  • Was wondering if anyone else happened to click on the web cam at this time.
    I know it's dark in Rochelle at that time but sometimes I've caught a train in the dark or near dark and it's interesting to see and try and figure out what it is.
    Tonight, there appeared to be a gondola train (coal?) moving on UP from Proviso toward Clinton and the side of the train was lit up as though there was a light on it but when the train finished, the light was gone so it wasn't a BNSF train waiting. Another train then became faintly visible in the dark, also on UP, but could not tell anything about it except that I thought it was a stack train by the way the different background street lights appeared and disappeared.
    Any ideas?
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  • Was wondering if anyone else happened to click on the web cam at this time.
    I know it's dark in Rochelle at that time but sometimes I've caught a train in the dark or near dark and it's interesting to see and try and figure out what it is.
    Tonight, there appeared to be a gondola train (coal?) moving on UP from Proviso toward Clinton and the side of the train was lit up as though there was a light on it but when the train finished, the light was gone so it wasn't a BNSF train waiting. Another train then became faintly visible in the dark, also on UP, but could not tell anything about it except that I thought it was a stack train by the way the different background street lights appeared and disappeared.
    Any ideas?