Broadway-Limited GG1

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Broadway-Limited GG1

  • Does anyone know what the draw-bar pull is of the Broadway-Limited GG1? It must be HUGE!

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  • Model Railroader rates it at 170 freight cars! Now that's a train!!!
    Fairmont Motorcar Fan
  • Model Railroader rates it at 170 freight cars! Now that's a train!!!
    Fairmont Motorcar Fan
  • 4620 continous horse power 8000 short term
    maximum starting effort 72800 pounds
  • 4620 continous horse power 8000 short term
    maximum starting effort 72800 pounds
  • OK sorry,im not into model trains but here is a link to a discussion group on the topic of the Broadway-Limited GG1.Hope they can help you.D
  • OK sorry,im not into model trains but here is a link to a discussion group on the topic of the Broadway-Limited GG1.Hope they can help you.D
  • Sorry I didn't make myself clear -

    The question should read - What is the drawbar pull of BLI's HO scale version of the GG1?

  • Sorry I didn't make myself clear -

    The question should read - What is the drawbar pull of BLI's HO scale version of the GG1?

  • The performance figures for the GG1 vary widely from scource to scource.This link will take you to several web sites with tractive effort and horsepower figures for those mighty beasts.Don
  • The performance figures for the GG1 vary widely from scource to scource.This link will take you to several web sites with tractive effort and horsepower figures for those mighty beasts.Don
  • Does anyone know what the draw-bar pull is of the Broadway-Limited GG1? It must be HUGE!
