new haven mc ginnis

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new haven mc ginnis

  • can anybody tell me which type of locos of new haven weared the mc ginnis paintscheme? i only know the fl9 and the ep5. where there others?

    thanks, michael, dresden, germany
    Michael Kreiser
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  • NH did have some of the boxcab electrics painted up in that paint scheme, EP-3s and EP-2's, FM C-liners, and Alco PA's & FA's. Source is the PARLOR CAR ENTERPRISES book entitled " New Haven Division, Murray Hill to Cedar Hill" published in 1988. I don't know if the book is still in print or not, but it's a wealth of info for New Havern fans.
  • NH did have some of the boxcab electrics painted up in that paint scheme, EP-3s and EP-2's, FM C-liners, and Alco PA's & FA's. Source is the PARLOR CAR ENTERPRISES book entitled " New Haven Division, Murray Hill to Cedar Hill" published in 1988. I don't know if the book is still in print or not, but it's a wealth of info for New Havern fans.
  • The EF4's (ex-VGN freight motors) and the Speed Merchants (P12-42) also wore a variation of the McGinnis scheme. There may be others.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • The EF4's (ex-VGN freight motors) and the Speed Merchants (P12-42) also wore a variation of the McGinnis scheme. There may be others.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • I know at least one of the new GE engines is is painted in that livery.There was a picture of it in Trains sometime back.
  • I know at least one of the new GE engines is is painted in that livery.There was a picture of it in Trains sometime back.
  • can anybody tell me which type of locos of new haven weared the mc ginnis paintscheme? i only know the fl9 and the ep5. where there others?

    thanks, michael, dresden, germany
    Michael Kreiser