Amtrak and HEP

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Amtrak and HEP

  • Tonight I went to see Amtrak. A few minutes after it arrived, the conductor went to the second engine (which was idling at a high RPM) and killed the HEP, this caused the RPM's to drop considerably. After about 30 seconds, the engine's RPM's accelerated slowly, but not to the previous level and the HEP was turned back on. I have seen this occur before while Amtrak is stopped at the station. Does HEP have to be "reset" to keep the idle maintained at an appropriate RPM? What causes the engine to get to that high of an idle before they "reset" HEP? Or does it have nothing to do with HEP?
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  • Tonight I went to see Amtrak. A few minutes after it arrived, the conductor went to the second engine (which was idling at a high RPM) and killed the HEP, this caused the RPM's to drop considerably. After about 30 seconds, the engine's RPM's accelerated slowly, but not to the previous level and the HEP was turned back on. I have seen this occur before while Amtrak is stopped at the station. Does HEP have to be "reset" to keep the idle maintained at an appropriate RPM? What causes the engine to get to that high of an idle before they "reset" HEP? Or does it have nothing to do with HEP?