C&NW Yellow 4 Bay Covered Hoppers

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C&NW Yellow 4 Bay Covered Hoppers

  • Can anyone tell me what these cars haul? Also what types of business do they go to? I see them every day and was wondering what type of commidity they carry. Is it plastics? Or some other granular product.
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  • midwest can you get a birds eye view of these cars? if so that may answer your question
    if the cars have trough hatches its for grain loading, if round hatches for a granular product.
    if you are unable to get a birds eye view write down the road number and check www.rr-fallenflags.org on the CNW page, ALL covered hoppers have the ARA dsignation of LO, so the first numbers will be able to help you in ientifying these cars.

    hope this helps
