You are not going to believe this!!!

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You are not going to believe this!!!

  • [2c] I was just at the Broadway Av. crossing by the passenger shelter in Centralia, Illinois. (The station was torn down years ago because it was in such sorry shape. This new building is over a year old.) I saw a BNSF train leaving the yard and crew change point before 3pm. These were the locomotives that was hauling it:
    SD40-2 still in its original cascade green;
    SD70MAC in the latest BNSF colors;
    GP60B repainted into BNSF H2 colors;
    SD40-2 still in its CPRail colors. (I assume its from a leasing fleet.)
    But the biggest suprise is what it was hauling to Paducha, Ky.
    (E-mail me ONLY! It might take me a while.)[X-)]
    James Lawrence Kubajak III
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  • I beleive all CP's high nose SD40-2's have been sold to NREX. Not a super surpising lashup but......and I highly doubt it was a SD70MAC with the new logo.

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • LOL, eh? Why would you assume it's frokm a lease fleet? They satill have plenty kicking around, but I wi***hey had more..but still, have any pix you could post?

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • CP units have "Colours", not "colors", S.V.P.
  • I would beleive anything!