Wich Ho couplers to use

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Wich Ho couplers to use

  • Hi ,
    I am new to model RR and have been doing a lot of reading on th subject. Ya Im hooked. I have been haveing trouble with the couplers on my rooling stock and yes these are cheep cars that I am in the process of fixing up with my own wheels axels and trucks. please suggest some high quality couplers.
    Thanks, Dave
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  • Thank you, ndprr
  • You are going to get many people telling you the same thing - use Kadee and none of the others. I have some Kadees that are forty years old and have never replaced one yet becasue they are metal. Have your local hobby shop where you buy them help you install the first pair and you will be set. They also have a book that lists the right coupler for each brand of car and engine as does Kadees website.