What if there was 1 super railroad, spanning all of north America???

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What if there was 1 super railroad, spanning all of north America???

  • Ditch lights arent for "coolness".....They improve visibility for the crews and allow people to have a better chance at seeing the train at night. They MAJORLY improve crew visibility! I dont know where you got the "cool" thing....

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • Maybe it would be regulated like MA BELL was. A "guaranteed" 12% ROI, a widow and orphans stock, strong pension. Since MA didn't have to "compete", it focused on reliable service. Bell Labs Invented many things including the transistor.

    Now MA is forming again, currently covering 22 states.

    I'm a free enterpriser, but in the US, would a single, regulated, but privately owned railroad be a "safe harbor" institution or a Maginot Line?

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by aedave

    You guys talking about suicide, give me a break. Take stock of what is going on in your life, if being a rail fan is that important to you, We have a problem!! [V]
    Being a rail fan should be a healthy HOBBY!! NOT an EXTREME[:(!][:(!][:(!]. Its the extremist FOAMER (foaming at the mouth rail fan) that **** off railroaders.
    My own experience as both a Railroader and Rail fan:
    The majority of people working for the railways are nice people, there are few grumpy ones as any other place.
    Do understand:
    -We work with the equipment all day long, The last thing we want to do is talk about it all the time. If you have questions, do ask but limit them to 1 or 2[?].
    -We have rules and policys that have to be followed, don't ask us to break them.
    -Some Railroaders are not that knowledgeable, we are trained to run it, not know if it has a 12 or 16 cylinder engine.
    -Some railroaders are sleep deprived because of their work schedule, deprivation makes most people ornary[censored].


    I think it was pretty clear to everybody here it was a joke. Way to go completely off topic.
  • I liked my response to him....Pretty much hit the nail on hte head....Anybody seen him lately?

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First