3 Axle freight trucks

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3 Axle freight trucks

  • Hello All out there and thank you for reading ...
    I am looking for a set of 3 axle freight trucks .. does not matter the make ... I know that they make the 3 axle trucks for Passenger cars but I have not found any for the freight cars. I need them for a flat car. I looked in Walthears and all I can find is Eastern Car works ... I don't trust glueing those together and holding going down the rails. I would rather go for a metal set. Commonwealth would be the best but at this point any style will do. Or maybe a passenger set that is close to frieght would work. ( I'll take suggestions). I know they have 3 axle trucks on flat cars.but finding the good replacements are like pulling teeth. Any help would be greatfull.


    Work to live?Don't live to work[;)]
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  • Probably because Walthers is no longer the distributor for Athearn. Check out a crane ata hobby shop. Walthers also has Buckeye trucks inlcuded with their depressed center flar car.
  • No luck on that ... no 3 axle frieght trucks in the catalog othe than passenger. Thanks ... I'll keep looking.

  • What you are looking for are called Buckeye trucks. Athearn puts them under their crane and I believe PRecision Scale makes them in brass. They should both be in the Walthers catalog.