You might be a Railfan if...

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You might be a Railfan if...

  • In a spoof on Jeff Foxworthy's "you might be a redneck" I'd like to hear your "you might be a railfan" sayings. Here's one to start.

    You might be a railfan if you've ever been cited for reckless driving to "See that coal drag for the 4th time". [:D]
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  • You know that locomotive in the polar express wasn't 100% protypical.
  •'re the only one in your office that actually gets excited about getting caughty by the train on the drive to work.


    Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

    Check out the TC&WRy on at

    Check out my MRR How-To YouTube channel at


  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Pokemon Fanatic 999

    "If you saw the Polar Express more than five times"

    "If you yelled out what type of locomotive was pulling the train before that smart kid did"

    (note that in the move, a child was on there that was pretty smart, for he was telling them the locomotive's specifications, he was my favortie character for about five minutes afer that!! [:D]

    I liked him until he called the Lima engine a Baldwin.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • "If you saw the Polar Express more than five times"

    "If you yelled out what type of locomotive was pulling the train before that smart kid did"

    (note that in the move, a child was on there that was pretty smart, for he was telling them the locomotive's specifications, he was my favortie character for about five minutes afer that!! [:D]
  • You time your erands around town based on the train schedule to spot trains and get groceries,

    You have a scanner in your car tuned to the train channels to have a heads up on there locations to intercept them at crossings.

    You Know the exact words the computer voice is going to say at the defect detector.
    " CSX defect detector mile post 121.9"
  • Your wife says sometimes you think more of your stupid train photos and books then ypu care for her!
  • -After you snap some picture of a train you drive 30 miles to shoot the same train at a different location.
    -When you are parked and getting ready to back out of your space you give two long blast of your horn when releasing your parking brake, three short honks before backing up, and then two honks before moving foreword.
    -You e-mail Microsoft once a day begging them to release MSTS2
    -Your son won’t talk to you after you shouted in the movie theater while watching Harry Potter movie “hey it’s the flying Scotsman!”
    -Your other son won’t talk to you after all the comments you made in another movie theater during Spider Man 2 about the subway scene “hey that would not happen that way!”
    -The school consoler talked you abound not doing drugs after a teacher heard you talking about “reefers”.
    Save the F40PH!
  • If you can name your daughter after a GE gas turbine, but your wife draws the line at your Westinghouse turbine nick-name for her mother, you might be a railfan.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by bhamj

    The lights start flashing and you actually stop at a grade crossing before the gates are all the way down.

    ... if the crossing lights start flashing in your review mirror and you make a "U" turn to be first in line at the grade crossing.
  • you sometimes drive your car LHF

  • 1. Based on the elapsed time between hearing a train signal for two consecutive grade crossings you are able to mentally compute its speed.
    2. Based on your computation you can time your arrival at a grade crossing further down the line in time to step out of your car and take an award winning picture of the same train.
    3.Your friends view this kind of behavior as normal (for you anyway).
  • The lights start flashing and you actually stop at a grade crossing before the gates are all the way down.
    I've made a few cars behind me mad this way.

  • ...You've been questioned more than once by the police,asking "What are you doing parked by the tracks?"
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.