25 years gone...

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25 years gone...

  • Twenty-five years ago, March 15th, 1980, Engineer Don Grigsby pulled the last Milwaukee Road transcontinental freight out of Tacoma, Washington. I'd like to salute all the former employees and friends of the majestic fallen flag. Time does fly... -Brian P.
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  • The Milwaukee will always live on , if only in our memories.[^]

    Cascade Green Forever ! GET RICH QUICK !! Count your Blessings.

  • I didn't realize it had been that long. Thanks for the reminder!


    currently on Tour with Sleeper Cell myspace.com/sleepercellrock Sleeper Cell is @ Checkers in Bowling Green Ohio 12/31/2009 come on out to the party!!! we will be shooting more video for MTVs The Making of a Metal Band
  • In honor of this anniversary, I hereby post the following link to the following pic I took last February at Humbolt Yard, Minneapolis, MN:


    Roll on Milwaukee Road! [:)]

    Richard Krebes
    Livin' by the Big New Santa Fe in Long Lake, Minnesota