UP Locos on CN line through Waukesha

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UP Locos on CN line through Waukesha

  • Was sitting next to the CN line that goes through Waukesha today. Saw a train with 3 UP SD60M (Tri-clops) heading south but going abnormally slow. I believe it might have diverted to the route going west out of Waukesha.  I have 2 questions;

    1. Where would it be coming from. UP has no connection to CN to the north of Waukesha that I know of.

    2. Did the old CNW line cross the Milwaukee road line in waukesha just behind INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines Inc. I suspect they did because CNW line on East end of Waukesha was south of the Milwaukee road line which came into Waukesha next to the old Hwy 164. However, west of Waukesha the CNW line (which headed to Madison and now is the Glacial Drumlin bike trail) was north of the Milwaukee road line (Which is now the Wisconsin Southern) and head to Janesville

    Thanks in advance

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  • UP has been selling SD60 locomotives. I believe the three locomotives you would no be owned either by WSOR, or be headed to the CN spinoff in Northern Wisconsin. 

  • Can't answer either of your questions directly.

    Over the past two decades or more, the carriers have been operating run through trains between carriers.  These run throughs keep whatever power that is on the train from origin will remain on the train to destination.  When carriers originate trains, they use whatever power is available at the location - the power may be from any carrier.  When power moves across company lines it gets interchanged between the carriers just like rail cars are.  Power on a foreign carrier (not the owners) begins to accumulate 'Horsepower Hours'.  A SD-40 at 3000 Horsepower on a foreign carrier becomes a count of 3000 for the first hour plus 3000 for every hour the power is on the foreign carrier.  All the carriers maintain computer accounts for the horsepower hours they accumulate.  Monthly the accounts are compared between the carriers and monetary payments are made by those who have a horsepower hour deficit compared to the other carrier.

    It gets funnier - If UP interchanges a engine to CSX and then after a day or so of use, CSX interchanges that engine to NS.  That engine will remain in UP's CSX account until that engine gets back on UP - no matter which carrier ultimately interchanges the engine back to UP.  By the same token, that UP engine will remain in CSX's NS account, until the engine either is interchanged back to CSX or is interchanged back to UP.

    The Association of American Railroads (AAR)  with their industry wide data system acts as the Clearing House for all interchanges between carriers.

    Never too old to have a happy childhood!