WSOR and Wisconsin Central

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WSOR and Wisconsin Central

  • Hi,

    I am pretty familiar with the histories of the WSOR and the Wisconsin Central but I do not recall ever hearing about them interchanging before the Wisconsin Central was acquired by CN.  Anyone have any specific information about where they might have interchanged?  Photos?  

    Also, before the Wisconsin Central was acquired and probably after its acquisition by the CN, it embargoed or abandoned a number of lines and I am wondering if those have been torn up or are banked or taken over by other regionals -- for example, the WC acquired the Green Bay and Western and then within a few years abandoned all of their track.  Is it gone or still in limited use?

    Any information would be appreciated.  Thanks guys!

    Best regards,


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  • Hi,

    No response?  I know there are a lot of Wisconsin Central fans out there and probably just as many fans of the Wisconsin and Southern.  I have to assume the two train lines interchanged somewhere.  Anyone know any details?  Photos?

