MILW RR Special Inst on electric operations.

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MILW RR Special Inst on electric operations.

  • Hello, recently I acquired at a train show the Milw RR Special Rules & Instructions covering Electrical operations Form #3170, Rev Mar 1952, on their Lines West of Mobridge electrified territory's. I collect ET books from the major RR that were Electrified. PRR's CT 290's, NH books & 1 from the N&W. Looking to find the companion MILW book to Form #3170 which is Form #3617. also any of the books for the lines East of Mobridge and any Catenary circuits prints that cover both areas. If anyone know where I can get them,I would appreciate it a great deal. Any help would be great. Also still looking for ones for the GN's electrified territory and the Virginian Railways territory. Mike (retired lineman/Power Director Amtrak NEC)
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  • You are quite welcome.

     - Erik

  • thank you very much ! Mike
  • Former forum member.

    His website is called Miiwaukeeroadarchives.

  • thanks but who is Mike Sol?
  • Noel Holley's book, The Milwaukee Electrics, had a schematic of the 3,000V distribution system for both the Rocky Mountain and Coast electric zones. This includes a couple places on the line between Avery and the summit where feeders were run across Loop Creek. The boook covers the addition of two M-G sets bought from CUT to bolster the electrical system.

    Michael Sol's website has a lot of documents on the electrification as well.

  • This might be particularly interesting because this nominal date is around the time period that the bipolars were extensively rebuilt and improved.

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    - Ed Kapuscinski, RyPN, 10/9/2014