Antique Train Order Loop / Hook

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Antique Train Order Loop / Hook

  • Hello

    This is my first post and I'd like to get more information on a train order / message delivery loop I recently purchased.

    This item was purchased at an Antique store located near the old Pennsylvania Railroad and near by Seneca Lake. This line ran between Sayre, PA and Sodus Point, NY.

    I believe this item came from that region.There is no markings on the item. It measures over 48" long.Its configured like a giant old fashion tennis racket without the stringing.

    I would attach a pic but, I'm new to this format

    I welcome any and all information pertaining to this devise. Thanks

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  • Welcome.

    This forum does not get much use. Take time to look through ALL the forums.

    Some new people automatically  post here without looking around.

    The Model Railroader forum has a message on how to upload photos.


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