The Black Diamond Express

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The Black Diamond Express

  • What would be the appropriate cars behind an ALCO-PA to represent the Black Diamond train? Although I could not figure out exactly what to use, I found out there will be some kitbashing involved. What would be the best model to start with? Thanks Walid
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  • Supposedly white, but actually bluish like most at the time.

  • Thank you very much for your reply! Do you remember what color of fluorescent lights Class I railroads were used during 40s - 50s (PRR, NYC, Milwaukee road...etc) ? 

  • When I rode from Penn Station to Easton, PA, in 1947 (15 years old), the consist had modernized heavyweight cars, mostly if not all with "railroad roofs," not arch roofs, but with fluorescent light interiors and reclining seats.  All were painted "Cornell Red," the color of Cornell College's banners.  There were heavyweight Pullmans as well, also painted Cornell Red.  This is a color near scarlet, probably hard to tell the difference.  Lightweights may have come later.

    Possibly office car LV 353 at Steamtown has been restored to this color.

  • This site has suggestions.

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    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.