Tennessee Pass Storage

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Tennessee Pass Storage

  • Hello All,

    I have been doing some research on the Tennessee Pass and was hoping someone might be able to answer a question regarding the Tennessee Pass being used for railcar storage.  I see that Dotsero to Sage and Parkdale to Pueblo are still active, while Sage to Parkdale is inactive.

    I'm wondering what portions of the TP are being used for railcar storage.  My main concern is whether or not UP is using the Dotsero to Sage segment for storage? Thanks

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  • Uncle Pete has used the west end for storage (Edwards/Sage), far more than the east end which conflicts with the West end tail track at Parkdale that conflicts with Rock & Rail's (RRRR) operation. UP has growled at RRRR a few times over where the limits are at Parkdale in regards to who can do what. An STB discontinuance of service order does not mean the track can't be used for storage.
    Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
  • It has been two years since I was out there but the east end past Parkdale was being used to store coal cars and has been for a number of years. Charlie
  • The reference I Googled states thet the west end of the currently inactive Tennessee Pass route is the temporary home of coal cars idled by the mild winter and soft Asian economy.

    I would assume that the stored cars wouldn't be very far from the active rails through Dotsero.
