2-Rail O Scale has become an expensive orphan.

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2-Rail O Scale has become an expensive orphan.

  • Has anybody noticed that Classic Toy Trains does not want to mention 2-Rail O Scale model railroads or track layouts, just 3-Rail O Scale.

    It is very rare for 2-Rail O Scale to be seen in regular issues and special edition issues of Model Railroader.

    2-Rail O Scale has become an orphan.

    It is must be just too expensive for many people to build and operate 2-Rail O Scale.

    Everything requires a great amount of room to operate on wide radius, authentically built curved tracks.


    Watch my videos on-line at https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewNeilFalconer

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  • Andrew Falconer

    Has anybody noticed that Classic Toy Trains does not want to mention 2-Rail O Scale model railroads or track layouts, just 3-Rail O Scale.

    It is very rare for 2-Rail O Scale to be seen in regular issues and special edition issues of Model Railroader.

    2-Rail O Scale has become an orphan.

    It is must be just too expensive for many people to build and operate 2-Rail O Scale.

    Everything requires a great amount of room to operate on wide radius, authentically built curved tracks.

    In fairness, most of the "niche" scales get left similar treatment.  Try finding a narrow gauge article in MR.  They do show up, like once in a blue moon.  There is no coverage of  scale "S" that I am aware of.  And even on the CTT side  some of us have a running conversation going with the editors about the imbalance in the ratio of Lionel to Flyer articles, with Lionel far out ahead.  But that's the publishing business. 

    I have figured out what is wrong with my brain!  On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!

  • Try posting about the MTH O Scale Locomotives with scale wheels and the 2-rail/3-rail feature on the Model Railroader Forum, there is always somebody who will tell you that it belongs in Classic Toy Trains, even though it is 2-Rail O Scale.




    Watch my videos on-line at https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewNeilFalconer

  • I believe we have run - maybe - two or three outside third rail layout features and one photographic feature using three rail trains on two rail track Two rail O isn't our domain. Model Railroader is the home for two-rail O at KPC.

    Bob Keller

  • Primary focus of each Kalmbach magazine: ----- Trains Magazine - current day Railroad issues and Railfaining. ------ Classic Trains - Railroad history ----- Classic Toy Trains - "Toy Trains" S gauge and 3-rail O Gauge. ----- Garden Railways - Outdoor Toy and Model Railroading, mainly large scale, G gauge ----- Model Railroader - Scale Model Railroads 2-rail Z, N, HO, S, O, G ----- Note that while these divisions are usually followed, sometimes there are exceptions (3-rail O articles in MR, 2-rail O articles in CTT, Garden Railways articles in MR, Live Steam in either MR and Garden Railways.)

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.

  • There is a difference between three rail "O gauge" and 2 rail "O Scale". You are not reading the right material as noted by the previous poster.

  • O Scale Resource - ( http://oscaleresource.com/ ) O Scale Trains Magazine - ( http://oscalemag.com/wordpress/ ) O Scale Kings - ( http://www.oscalekings.org/ ) Proto 48 Modeler - ( http://www.proto48.org/ )

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.