1940s rail passenger service in northern Pennsylvania

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1940s rail passenger service in northern Pennsylvania

  • Hi ! I'm new to the forum and I'm working on a novel about World War II. I have some questions about rail service in the area around Coudersport, PA during the 1940 time period. If you know about that, please contact me.

    The situation is that two people are getting married. One is from Coudersport (the bride) and the other is from Medina, NY (the groom). My problem is figuring out what it would have taken back then to get families from the groom's side down to where they were getting married in Coudersport. HELP!

    Chris Scharping

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  • Thanks! I just applied for membership.

    Chris Scharping

  • Suggest you join Yahoo group prr-FAX. Lots of PRR experts who will provide more information then you ever thought possible.