CSX Research Project

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CSX Research Project

  •  I have to do a research project on local businesses, and CSX happened to pass through the area so, I decided to research it. I will probably need some information and I'm sure I will be able to get help here. I'll post requests when the come about.

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  • Here's a good place to start, if you haven't already been there:



  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSX_Transportation

    Wikipedia is your friend... Smile,Wink, & Grin

  •  Been to both, anybody have a list of the different locomotives they use?

  • I may leave a few out, but currently CSX Transportation uses:


    RoadMate/Roadslug (One powered engine, the other a "dummy" that provides more tractive effort)


    MP15T,SW1500,GP38-2,GP40,GP40-2,GP60(Three of them)




    Thats the majority of their fleet, with some missing of course. For locomotive maintenance, the CSX has main shops at Waycross,GA, Selkirk,NY, Cumberland,MD, and Huntington,WV. These are not all of the shops.


    Check out my pics! [url="http://wctransfer.rrpicturearchives.net/"] http://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?userid=8714
  •  Okay, thanks alot.

  • FlyingBison

     Been to both, anybody have a list of the different locomotives they use?


    CS Motive Power


  •  Okay, what would be a few locomotives that would be easy to get information on?

  •  Bump!!!!

     Actually, what locomotives does csx have/use the most?

  • This is a good place to start:


    Some good starting points would be the SD70AC, the ES44DC, and the SD40-2. You can Google those names and get a lot of information. Wikipedia is a good referance site.

  • I got the ES44DC along with the AC4400CW and something else I can't remember right now.
  • At the risk of coming across as a person you don't want to hear from it is YOUR research paper not ours.  The idea is for you to learn where to get information and compose it into a presentable body of research.  I never had a teacher or professor say to me, "Go find somebody who knows something about this topic and pick their brain".  You are doing yourself a disservice by taking the easy route to some facts that you will not retain as well or know where to pursue further information in the future.  Everybody wants to be a pro athlete but nobody likes the practice. Life is the same. The harder you work the farther you get. 

  • ndbprr

    At the risk of coming across as a person you don't want to hear from it is YOUR research paper not ours.  The idea is for you to learn where to get information and compose it into a presentable body of research.  I never had a teacher or professor say to me, "Go find somebody who knows something about this topic and pick their brain".  You are doing yourself a disservice by taking the easy route to some facts that you will not retain as well or know where to pursue further information in the future.  Everybody wants to be a pro athlete but nobody likes the practice. Life is the same. The harder you work the farther you get. 

    Research is where you find it.  Not all research has to be done in librarys....PEOPLE write books, they are not written all by themselves.  Interviewing people that KNOW about a give subject area is a valid form of research as long as they are given their due credit.  Human learning comes from a multitude of areas, not just going to the stacks in librarys. 

    Never too old to have a happy childhood!