ABC's --GMA live on the rails all next week

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ABC's --GMA live on the rails all next week

  • Just thought all you folks here would be interested to know and maybe see this also, check it out on line here.... 


    Thanks SNOWSHOE for the up-date...


    Byron C.

    He Wore Arrow Shirts Too
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  • YES!, I've seen it advertised on the TV , great idea, it is a continuation of the Old whistle stop train tours from the good old days, I think it is a form of campaigning that will never go out of style.

    There is a certain security risk due to anyone wanting to do harm knows the exact route of the train and there are miles upon miles of track to secure for the train, I'd imagine it is a lot of work for the security people.

    I will be watching this series closely as I hope others will.

    Please visit my Photobucket pics page. I am the King of my Layout, I can build or destroy the entire city on a whim or I can create a whole new city from scratch , it is good too be the King.