yellow over blinking green over red...what indication is this?

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yellow over blinking green over red...what indication is this?

  • While passing through Fostoria, the west-facing signal on CSX Track 1 (north of two) had an indication of yellow over blinking green over red.  It is the first time I have ever seen this, and I am wondering what it means.  For what it is worth, CSX Track 2 was blocked at the time with a stray caboose while some switching was taking place nearby.  I was on the company clock, so I did not have time to explore any other movements.  However, the train that was going east through said signal on Track 1 did proceed completely through town (a long train of coal cars with UP power).
    long, long, short, long. Thumbs Up
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  • approtch limited...prossed apporching next signal not exceeding limited speed...

    csx engineer 

    "I AM the higher source" Keep the wheels on steel
  • And here I thought it was the traffic light computer is malfunctioning.
  • Clear to Limited

    It means the next signal after that one is most likely displaying a limited to _____ indication. The crew has to have the train down to limited speed before passing the next signal.

    10000 feet and no dynamics? Today is going to be a good day ...