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Favorite Roadnames?

  • Head On Collision Line was a genuine leasing operation. It did have a listing in the 1977 Railway Equipment Register.
    Favorite name is the Missouri & Illinois Bridge & Belt RR. It was operated by CB&Q and BN and had a small listing the Official Guide.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • My favourite railroad name would be the Erie Lackawana
    Stay safe, support your local hobby group Stop, Look, and listen The key to living is to wake up. you don't wake up you are probably dead.
  • My favourite railroad name would be the Erie Lackawana
    Stay safe, support your local hobby group Stop, Look, and listen The key to living is to wake up. you don't wake up you are probably dead.
  • Chicago Great Western - loved the Lucky Strike logo and long F unit lash-ups.
  • Chicago Great Western - loved the Lucky Strike logo and long F unit lash-ups.
  • Come'on, you're all thinking too large! My favorite is the Lorain, Ashland and Southern. A small fallen flag out here in Ohio which was unfortunately felled by a sequence of bad luck in not making connections to get the freight traffic. (That's why I'm a model railroader, so I can change these things.) It was interesting in that it used these ancient small belpaire boilered consolidations on trains that would hardly justify a mogul, but that's what makes it interesting, that it survived for fourty years on that kind of traffic.
    Fairmont Motorcar Fan
  • Come'on, you're all thinking too large! My favorite is the Lorain, Ashland and Southern. A small fallen flag out here in Ohio which was unfortunately felled by a sequence of bad luck in not making connections to get the freight traffic. (That's why I'm a model railroader, so I can change these things.) It was interesting in that it used these ancient small belpaire boilered consolidations on trains that would hardly justify a mogul, but that's what makes it interesting, that it survived for fourty years on that kind of traffic.
    Fairmont Motorcar Fan
  • Boy, There is alot of very good railroads posted. My favorite roadname is the Reading. But I have to say the PRR,Erie and Lehigh Vally are up there too.
  • Boy, There is alot of very good railroads posted. My favorite roadname is the Reading. But I have to say the PRR,Erie and Lehigh Vally are up there too.
  • Temiskaming & Northern Ontario (T&NO)
  • Temiskaming & Northern Ontario (T&NO)
  • How about the Western & Atlantic? This road, owned by the State of Georgia, is the site of the Great Locomotive Chase in the War of Northern Aggression, after which the lead raider, Mr. Andrews, and several raiders were awarded the first Medals of Honor ever issued.

    The trackage still exists between Atlanta and Chattanooga and is leased for an ungodly length of time to CSX (as before to L&N and NC&St.L). It's about the busiest track in the Southeast, some of it now double-tracked. I hear it all day, every day.

  • How about the Western & Atlantic? This road, owned by the State of Georgia, is the site of the Great Locomotive Chase in the War of Northern Aggression, after which the lead raider, Mr. Andrews, and several raiders were awarded the first Medals of Honor ever issued.

    The trackage still exists between Atlanta and Chattanooga and is leased for an ungodly length of time to CSX (as before to L&N and NC&St.L). It's about the busiest track in the Southeast, some of it now double-tracked. I hear it all day, every day.

  • Southern "Serves the South"
  • Southern "Serves the South"