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Visalia electric railroad - division of southern pacific - exeter, visalia, CA

  • I want to model the visalia electric railroad - does anyone have or know of any videos or still pics of the trains running from 1950 - 1990 in the diesel period? any pictures or maps of the railroad and its environs in addition to Mr. Bowan's pics (which are excellent!!). Also any pics of the trains running on the old ATSF lines in tulare county (they're all gone now...)

    thanks much.
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  • Can you get a hold of these-

    VE 44-tonner 502 hauled the last passenger excursion train on February 20, 1955.
  • Didn't Philips Kauke write a book about the VE? I see Dale already has that linked to Signature Press. Mr. Kauke I believe lives in Needles, CA. I met him once in a blizzard in Flagstaff when he was working Amtrak. He was featured in an article in Railfan a couple of years ago. [8D]
    COTTON BELT: Runs like a Blue Streak!