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High-tech locomotives: did builders gone so far?

  • I think there are several things going on re: this question.

    Modern engines MUST have a lot of the high-tech stuff; it's mandated by the STB. This includes multi-channel radios with fixed frequencies, for example.

    On the other hand, building a cab that orients the engineer toward a computer screen and away from the narrow slitty windows by which to ascertain possible accidents, etc., was getting ahead of itself. Reminds me of the original Chevy Citation ca. 1980 in which a minor engine-overhaul was required to change the oil--and they had the nerve to claim it was an improvement!

    --Just 'cause something is futuristic doesn't make it better - Crowe T. Robot, MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000.
  • No no no. GE loco's are built as throw aways. You can ask a whole lot of people, and your gonna hear the same thing. GE's are good for a certain amount of years, and after that, i wouldnt waste a penny on them. Now unlike the SD40's, once you make them SD40-3's , they are as good as new. EMD is made to last , and any problems you have, just rebuild it.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • So if GE locomotives are so demonstrably awful, why do they hold the market share they do?
  • Because they are good locomotives, but not for the long haul. And railroads like what they are getting with them now .

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • I would not say they are good lol.. but they are alot cheaper then EMD's....
  • Half the cars ARE disposible.

    I grew up in large steel cars with strong engines that some are STILL running to this day.

    Some trucks are wore out and needed a rebuild and frankly for the cost is not really worth it.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by wctransfer

    No no no. GE loco's are built as throw aways. You can ask a whole lot of people, and your gonna hear the same thing. GE's are good for a certain amount of years, and after that, i wouldnt waste a penny on them. Now unlike the SD40's, once you make them SD40-3's , they are as good as new. EMD is made to last , and any problems you have, just rebuild it.


    GE's aren't as rebuildable as EMDs. Wow, I worked in this industry for 30 years, and I just learned something new from a railfan...Imagine that.