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Virginian 2-10-10-2's

  • I heard that in the 70's a man named Eidenbenz had some rare photo's of this engine published. I would like to get copies if possable. Can anyone suggest how I should proceed?

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  • Several have appeared in MR and Trains over the years. they had 48" front cylinders that were so big the had to be transported to the Virginian on flat cars and assembled on site. There are a couple of books on the Virginian also that have pictures. The Virginain Railway Handbook by Aubrey Wiley and Conley Wallace or Virginian Railway Locomotives by Lloyd D. Lewis bothe have pictures and are available as far as I know. VGN is a nice little railroad worthy of modeling. Even though I model the PRR I have a set of EL3A electrics. Love those side rods. They pull a run through coal train on my railroad.
  • I have all the currently available books about the Virginian, and the "trainshed encyclopedia" with this engine, yet there are some details Under the cab that are vague. I know there was a stoker back there along with the injectors but was hoping to find a birds-eye view of this engine and a close-up of the cab area.

  • I first became familiar with these engines when MR did a spread on them in the 70's including drawings. Perhaps that would give you the detail you need. As I remember Eidenbenz pictures that appeared in Trains were from a train on a parallel track and none of the views I have seen would help you. I'd look up the issue but I dumped my MR's a couple of years ago.
  • In the book 100 Years of Steam Locomotives by Walter A. Lucas, there is a page of diagrams of the 2-10-10-2's. It shows only the major controls in the cab (not the injectors), though.
  • "Articulated Locomotives" by Lionel Wiener includes a description of the 2-10-10-2's in the section concerning Mallets.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • Wouldn't the railroad have a standard practice in these areas? Perhaps checking pictures of other classes would confirm a consistent location for the injectors and other equipment.
  • I was talking to Gene Huddleson the other day, and he commented that I should get "Uncls Sams Locomotives", the Virginian used a lot of the 2-8-8-2's from that time frame, and maybe he was trying to tell me the same thing you are saying about standard practice. I will check on about this book.
  • That was a nice photo ZIGG72, I didn't have that one. It was clear enough to see the rivit detail on the firebox and what looks like a ball valve sticking out the side.