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  • I prefer the 1st generation BLAHs. They sound better because they are equipped withBLAH BLAH BLAH engines and a 5 unit set of BLAHs sound really awesome going up a mountain grade[:p]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Where's the choice for 'all of the above'; Mrs. Kerry asked to know...

    Seriously (not!) one does NOT abbreviate Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton with an "A". What do they teach 'u' kids in school nowadays!

    "Good lord, you guys do know how to take the fun out of something."

    - Ed Kapuscinski, RyPN, 10/9/2014

  • Is this another Democrat joke?
  • I think I prefer BLAH3. They just seem to purr nicer and they have a much better sounding horn to annoy local politicians with in the middle of the night![:D][;)]

  • I voted for blah3 because i wasn't around for blah1 and blah2 so Iike what I see.
  • You didn't include MY favorite Blah in you poll!
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • Personally, I'm getting very, very tired of polls on BLAH. What's wrong with you people anyway?

    How about spmething on "HRUMPH" for a change, huh?
    Just call me, Getting Bored!

  • Blah Blah is interesting but Blah also has its merit. If it wasn't for Blah than Blah Blah would not exist never mind Blah Blah Blah. As far as the other Blah it is just a cheap knock off of Blah, Blah Blah and Blah Blah Blah so that just is irrelavent to the importants of Blah in general so that just isn't going to work. If Blah and Blah Blah are to work though they need an extra Blah to be a decent Blah Blah Blah but that goes without saying.

    (WHAT IN THE HELL AM I GOING ON ABOUT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?)
  • Please just let this thread die...[xx(][angel][:)]
  • huh?
    I'd let it die but how can you resist a poll so anti-climatic?
  • it's like a bad love story where you don't want them to get back together but there's this build up till they finally break it off and you regret paying movey to go see it (ie. intolerable cruelty) Come on it's funny it's poking fun at ourselves. Like the how many Model railroaderes does it take to screw in a light bulb thread on MRR forums.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by george745

    it's like a bad love story where you don't want them to get back together but there's this build up till they finally break it off and you regret paying movey to go see it (ie. intolerable cruelty) Come on it's funny it's poking fun at ourselves. Like the how many Model railroaderes does it take to screw in a light bulb thread on MRR forums.

    Not just Blah- but mushy Blah! And mushy Blah is the worst of all Blahs because when the mushy Blah is introduced, the mushy 'better' or 'other' half (through their unearthly sense-power) triangulate on this Blah which by now has encapsulated you and overtaken any good pre-Blah and shall downpour on you a BLAH un-imaginable by mankind that will make your Blah blazae (sic)
    God save the Blah!