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Help with Identifying this Steam Locomotive

  • My Son has requested this for Christmas,
    and gave me the only thing he had, a photo.
    Could any one help me find out the manufacturer and model of this locomotive?

    Thank you for your time,
    Dwain Moody
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  • You may want to try the Model Railroaders forum they might now for sure.Best I can say is it is an English/Euorpean Railway looking Pacific and now I want one too! Very sharp looking.

    Yes we are on time but this is yesterdays train

  • Dwain,

    Try this web site for starters. I couldn't find the exact model there, but it does remind me of a Bassett-Lowke model. Hopefully, they can steer you and your son in the right direction. Classy looking loco!

    Whether your life is good or bad, trains will make it better!
  • I don't know what loco it is but it is a nice looking loco. Maybe some of the guys across the pond can help with this one.

    When someone does find out I hope they share it with us.
  • Looks more mid - european -- Danish , Finnish , Swedish or possibly has some German influence
    2860 Restoration Crew
  • I emailed Lupo and some of my English contacts with the hope that they might can help.

    It sure is a nice looking loco though. The rounded cab windows make it look English. But that might also be a feature of other European countries too.

    But I do very much like the looks of this engine. [:)]
  • Hornby? Looks Briti***o me.
  • DEFINATLY NOT BRITISH. it looks like a central european loco about 1930's. i will try the lilliput site.
    i cant find that exact loco but both
    "Dampflok Badiache Vii blau Epoche I-Steam Loco"
    and "Dampflok Badische l Vh - grun, Epoche I-Steam Loco" look very similar (except for the colour.) they are both listed on the liliput site,
    near the top. the price means they will be approximatly $350 in the states although lilliput are VERY good. there are pictures on the lilliput site down the left hand side. there is one in blue and one in gray. i can suggest a good importer of you would like. e-mail me at

  • just checked with a another contack and both the locos listed above are the same as the picture you provided. (except for the colour and what i believe is push-pull equipment near the front.)
  • I've found it! Your engine is made by the company Marklin and is HO scale. Marklin is one of the world's leading model train manufacturers. What your engine is is a model of a Royal Bavarian State Railways (abbreviated as K.Bay.Sts.B) class 3/6 4-6-2 steam locomotive. I have found a locomotive that is very simmilar to the one shown, but not quite exactly the same, on ebay for $499. The link to it is . I've also found another one in blue, but again not the same as the one shown for $1296 at . There's a complete set with the same engine at for $674, I've found green versions of this engine at and for $331 and $224. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the exact engine your son wants. From what I have gathered, this is an item which is no longer currently produced by Marklin. My advice to you is to try to find a Marklin dealer somewhere close to where you live and try to get them to track one down. Most likely, they would have connections that could help with this. There of course must be one somewhere on the internet. Searching for a Marklin 3/6 locomotive on google doesn't work because of the slash in the 3/6. They search for 3 or 6. Hopefully you'll be able to find one. At least now, you know what it is you are looking for.
  • I think Marklin has made that, or something similar. Good luck in your search!


    Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern

  • the marklin one is 3 rail AC. the lilliput one is 2 rail and has a much better mechanism. the marklin ones CANNOT be converted to 2 rail. (believe me i have tried!)
  • Im not sure what type of steam that is, but it is a nice looking locomotive.