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Extra Train Running on CSX to New Orleans

  • I'm interested about a train I saw on the CSX main this weekend, running through Ocean Springs MS west towards New Orleans. I was driving a car and had no opportunity to chase the train so I have only a general description, but my curiosity was piqued because I saw a nearly identical train over a year ago on the same track and remembered it - - Two recent CSX GE units, pulling passenger unit "Hialeah", followed by half a dozen UP (?) bunker-type cars (Basically a flat car w/ a shed centrally placed on it) which each were separated by box cars being used as spacers, the same way flat cars are sometimes used. I'd just like to know what the train was, and havent yet invested time into proper research. Thanks in advance for the help.


    FEC Fan
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  • Strictly guessing it could have been some type of maintenance or rail grinder train. Sounds like the passenger car was for the crew when travelling to the job site. next time you see it look for an low hanging equipment under the cars that could possibly be grinders for smoothing rail. Were the boxcars also UP? IT could also have been some form of weed spraying train and the chemicals were kept in tanks in the box cars for security purposes. Can't tell wothout seeing it. Your description of a house on a flat car also describes a transfer caboose which is very similar and used in local transfer or switching situations. I highly doubt that UP is buying any but they could be being transported and the box cars were used for braking but I doubt it.