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Need Some Info on how to Value Trains

  • Hi,

    I am the Executor for my in law's estate. Among many other collectibles they amassed a significant collection of Lionel Trains. There are approximately 100 engines and cars, of both the steam and diesel variety. From what I can tell they are all the same gauge, which I believe is 0-27. From my wife's dim memory, her father paid some significant cash for a few of these pieces, as much as a grand for each of a particular few. I have started to check prices on the web, but there is such a disparity and I can't find half of what I have. Is there a trade publication that I can buy that prices this, or better yet, a web site I can subscribe to that would give me a fair appraisal? They are all in great shape, and I also have all kinds of switches, transformers, and decorative pieces. I would really appreciate any help I can get.

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  • A good hobby shop will have books giving values of Lionel trains. I think the predominant one is Greenburg's Guide. Most people think they have mint condition when they mostly have average condition so pay attention to the ratings in the book because they are critical. Most Lionel trains catalog number is the same as the engine number so you can do an Ebay search by looking for say "Lionel 2025" which will then pull up all those for sale on EBay and give you a rnage they are selling for. My experience is that at this particular moment it is a buyers market because of the economy. In a year or so they could bring far more. A local hobby shop could also put you in touch with local collectors. I would have a couple visit and tell them you are just wanting to establish insurance values and give no indication you want to sell. I would also offer to pay them for their time. People will attempt to low ball items for themselves. Everything has a number on it somewhere just make sure you match the numbers when trying to value something. One that is off by one digit isn't necessarily worth the same value due to a number of factors. Good Luck.