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Viewliner Coaches drawings

  •   Does anyone have any Viewliner Coaches and Lounges drawings. Amtrak was going to have Viewliner coaches, lounges, and diners to go with their sleeping cars.
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  • Who was going to make them?  You may have to go to that company's drawing file.  Most of the Pullman company drawings that still exist are at the Martha Briggs newberry library in Chicago
  • Amtrak does have the plans for the Viewliner cars in Dining, Lounge, Coaches, and Sleeping Cars. But Amtrak needs the Money to build them cars, when the Viewliner sleeping cars came in 1995 to 1996 period. Amtrak was getting up to 250 Viewliners, but when Congress gave amtrak the money, there was only enough money for 50 Viewliner sleeping cars at that time in 1996, but amtrak wanted 80 sleeping car.My 2 cents [2c]