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C&IM engines

  • Didn't the C&IM have some unique engines that were half switcher and half road engine as far as the carbody?  Are they still using them?  Thanks
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  • As far as I know, the two switchers you are talking about are still operating, but the C&IM is now the Illinois & Midland Railroad and both engines are in I&Ms Genesee & Wyoming orange paint. Thet are still worthy of going to see, beleive me. I've never seen one myaself but I would like to.
    Robby Gragg - EJ&E fan Railpictures photos: Flickr photos: Youtube videos: R-V videos:
  • The locomotives are EMD RS1325's, which look like an SW1200 on flexicoil trucks with the low nose and cab from a GP18 replacing the regular cab.  It was basically an EMD version of the GMD1 and was in the catalog for a while but sold only to C&IM.

    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • Here's the link to some photos of them: