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NJTransit Multilevel Modification

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NJTransit Multilevel Modification
Posted by alloboard on Sunday, March 19, 2017 4:33 AM

     I finally received the Atlas multilevel in NJ transit paint scheme. I reviewed itand I would give it a C+ because the weight is not heavy enough and the interior, especially the seats and the yellowish dull interior lighting, and the head and marker lights were dull too. Two taillights were onitted from being lit up perhaps just to shed off $10 or so. I will instal LEDs on the unlit provisions. So I opened the multilevel coach and currently painting the interior seats with a sharpie a blue found here: with the white at the back of the seats. I added 6oz of 1/2oz lead weights at the roof top interior. I will be replacing the headlight and taillight LEDs with better brighter LEDs, along with the interior lighting with whiter brighter LED strips!

     I will actually install 8 LED lights strips per coach 4 in the lower level and 4 in the upper level. I will glue an L shaped hinge with two LED light strips and place it on the left and right side of the upper an lower levels of the multilevel coach interior, meaning 8 LED strips all together. I will le needing a decoder and a relay for this wiring. I will hard wire a TCS FL2 and FL4 decoder with a "Keep Alive" battery for the cab car, because it has 6 light functions that I will wire every LED independantly. I only need a FL4 for the trailer coaches. I will install a sound decoder. The newly installed white high intensity LED interior lighting with blue seats should look alot better than the Atlas OEM interiors.

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