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Passenger Interior Lighting

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Passenger Interior Lighting
Posted by Railfan2882 on Friday, March 1, 2002 8:02 AM
Hey Guys,

I've some 36 passenger car that I'm dieing to put some interior light in. The only problem is I can't decide which way to do it. I heard one of the best ways is to start with a constant lighting system in the baggage car then to splice wires from that and feed them through the different cars using miniature plugs wired to a series of small light bulbs.
If this is a good idea let me know? If you have had a better experience using another method, I'd also like to hear it.

Railfan 2882
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Posted by karmakreations on Friday, March 1, 2002 3:09 PM
I am in the process of doing the same thing to about 80 or so cars. I think the baggage car idea is a good on since it keeps the cost down(less money spent on wheel pickups, etc. I am going to use white LED's because they run with no heat generated. I get mine from a place here in Sacramento CA called LED Effects (916)852-1719. I use the difused ones in the cars. I found a real simple circuit to use at
I also found a page that tells how to get some real interesting effects using cassete players as a power source at
Another page that has a lot of electronic train circuits is at
It is kind of old and alot more complex but there are some interesting circuits there.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Let me know what else you find out. I can be reached at
Bob R.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 1, 2002 4:28 PM
Will this work on DCC?

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