Good Afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a RBF please. Thanks, I already had a late lunch (earlier in the afternoon).
Ray, I understand from Flo that you just missed a skillet-whomping the other day. What was that for? She said I didn't "need to know"... Sounds like up your way, they're REALLY picky about whose blood they'll take!
Ulrich, another nice-looking loco on the way. (did Hobby Search give you a guess on how long it might take on this one?)
Jerry, good to hear that you and Sallie are okay. Ah, track-cleaning...(have some of that THAT I will need to do, once I get the wiring part done).
Jeff, nice photo of your van there.
But I think your computer has the hiccups...
But I think your computer has the hiccups...
But I think your computer has the hiccups...
Rob, thanks for letting us know that you all are safe and well. How long did it take for them to get your power back up and running? And any guess on how long until you can get your roofs all back on? - was your shot of the road taken from the 'toward the main road' side, or from your house's side?
Thayne, I hear you about 'too much month at the end of my paycheck'. Hey, at least YOU know all the w**k you put into the garden (while your wife's getting the credit for how great it looks - or tastes, if it's a veggie garden).
Vincent, sometimes ya just gotta walk away to avoid being considered rude (as opposed to others who are just stupid...). Do you think it was really the gal's roommate who messed(TM) up her car? Hey, you did great, getting $44 back on that $50 book! Around these parts, if you get above 50 percent of what you paid, you're doing well (plus, the publisher about always puts out a new edition each year, so the bookstores often won't buy them back anyway).
LoneGeep, maybe you and Barry should form the Grey-Day club - I think his weather is dull grey over half of the days. But it beats about a week or so of rain, eh?
MononJim - they have your kid plotting three-dimensional curves? Sheesh! Graphing *anything* in 3 dimensions was tough enough, let alone some weird curves and planes. And (chuckle..snicker...guffaw..) thanks for posting THAT Dave Barry article. Still funny!
OzJim - back (it's been a while, hasn't it?)! How's your layout coming along? And do they celebrate New Year's differently down under than we do up here? Good to hear from you!
AZBob, I would guess that you might have more time for layout w**k with that kinda schedule - do you? I know that my schedule has me in the office only about one week out of three (but nights one of the other two, plus on-call an entire Sat./Sunday and Mon. night in one of the 3 weeks. (Hmm, so why is my layout not further along...?) And your hardware store stocks train stuff? Cool!
As for gas prices, I heard that the big problem on the fluctuations is due to traders who are speculating on 'gas futures' (not to be confused with what happens after Todd eats too many chili dogs...). The traders buy futures (which jacks up the price for crude oil) and/or sell them, depending on every little thing that they fear might cause shortages (and therefor make them money). Just plain ol' greed, that's all. (IMHO). What? Zoe, how about we move this back to its corner now?
Todd, I was gonna ask you about THAT first video link, but... nevermind... Hey, about Lee's comment about not sneezing, for those who have done THAT prep, that's not funny, just scary! By the bye, have you noticed that your signature typesize is bigger? Or is that just my eyes the forum software?
Galaxy, I'd agree with those who said "Don't go far from the toilet" Actually, I would disagree - SIT on that toilet when you drink that WONDERFUL drink they gave you (it can act rather quickly and without much of any warning. (I didn't have ALL the test you're having, but did have the 'clean you out in places you don't wanna think about' milkshake) Hope by the time I get through the rest of the posts, Good to hear that you have a good report back for us.
Garry, I was wondering how far off the floor your wiring for your layout was (at its lowest). Forgot about your power tools. But good if the water level is going down now. (Whew!) Maybe you should ask the sheriff about 'poaching' laws for those guys in the bass boat...
NE RailModeller - good to see you have your 'puter up and w**king again!
So Barry, did you get those decals at the LHS, and are you now a certified Rivet Counter? Good to hear the report from your doctor.
Lee, have you tried the Champion Decals website? Last time I was there, they said they were still selling off their remaining stock of decals (which doesn't mean that they have the ones you are looking for...). Of course, it's been a few months since I was there... Worth checking the site and/or calling them, maybe.
Well (water level is starting to drop now...), I'll sit a spell at the RC until it's time for me to head home. Tomorrow is payday...
Blessings and prayers (for better weather),
Jim in Cape Girardeau