..... Bob
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here. (Captain Kirk)
I reject your reality and substitute my own. (Adam Savage)
Resistance is not futile--it is voltage divided by current.
QUOTE: Originally posted by davekelly Don't want any Spy vs Spy activity around the layout! (weren't those the funniest comics?)
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
QUOTE: Originally posted by TrainFreak409 YES! I had a copy of the January 1981 issue of Model Railroader!!![:D] I remember reading in the article that the Cotton Brute was a record holder. Jim Fitzgerald built the Cotton Brute from two Minitrix U30CGs, and classified his as a U60CG. It featured an lengthened frame, but still only had two trucks. He remotored it with a more powerful motor, and used dual flywheels if I remember correctly. All the space inside the shell that was not taken up was filled with lead. (But that has already been pointed out in this thread.)
QUOTE: The attached photo is a composite showing the complete engine in the foreground and an exploded view. The long fuel tank/frame is indeed depleted uranium. Where I worked we had made some experimental gyros of the material. Other materials were easier to precisely machine. The top weights are machined from lead and completely fill the thin shell. The engine weighs 24 oz, 1-1/2 pounds and has a Sagami 1630 motor. The longest train with just the Cotton Brute on the head end was 560 Kadee (MicroTrains) two bay coal cars. The custom layout had 72" minimum radius curves in a folded dogbone shape.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet