Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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QUOTE: Originally posted by ukguy It's been a busy two days, and one night here, but I'm pleased with the progress I've made. The scene isn't finished yet, still a few more things to add, such as some weeds around the dock piles and mailbox, a few more details on the pier, and of course some signage are the main things. But, heres how it started for me late Thursday afternoon....... By early evening 3 hours later I had built the new trestle and put a dirt road in From there it was just details and figuring out the tale to tell..... Overview of Gator Creek Bait Shop and Fishing Pier. The Short family are on a day trip to Gator Creek for some fishing and family time.Dad leaves Mom and the kids watching the swans while he goes into the bait shop to hire a boat. At the front of the shop, worker Dave is replacing a couple of boards on an old row boat. Dave has to stop and look up at the bosses son who's complaining Daves taking too long and Dave needs to clear up the trash from the walkway. Daves mumbles something about not nailing the other board on and hoping young Mr West is the next one to use the boat. Around the back of the store Joe gets himself and Anne a soda while Anne chats casually with Old Mr West while she waits. The trash cans around the back are full too, Dave better get moving! While Dad heads off into the store a 2-8-0 passes disturbing the ducks on its way to the Pine Ridge yard. 5 minutes later and theres another rumble, this time as the 3:15 crosses the tressle overhead pulling in to Pineridge Central right on time(almost) More views and bigger pics on the last two pages of my Railimages account below.
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
QUOTE: Originally posted by steveblackledge KARL, you may think a British Rail IC125 was a strange site on a US Railroad, how about this, London Midland and Scotish pacific 6233 is helping a failed Wisconsin Central SD45 out of a fix
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern