Simon's thought about changing Weekend Photo Fun to Monthly Photo Fun makes a lot of sense, especially nowadays with the Forum's 'skeleton crew'. So, here goes and hoping to see lots-o Model Railroading pics.
Happy Fall to all. Regards, Peter
Skellingtons by Bear, on Flickr
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
Hello all. Thanks Peter for opening up this Monthly Photo Fun. Here is a shot taken of one of my favorite locos at our local club.
IMG_20240903_193033 , on Flickr
How about some in progress modeling? These are pictures of the start of my backdrop building. (Google Photos albumn to save post space.)
The panels are foam board pieces. (20" H x 30" W) Local store had them on sale for 50 cents and later 25 cents. (Reducing inventory after Back to School.) Panels are held up with pieces of vinyl channel normally used for holding up lattice glued to framework. Next step is to draw the scenery on the panels. Should be interesing as I'm not a great pen/pencil and paper artist.
I see that your projet is progressing well, FFRYkid. You can do a decent background with spray paint (a blue band on top, and a white band on the lower half). If you mess it up, you can easily start over. You can spray paint a few white clouds, but it's not absolutely necessary.
My plan is to use the same sky blue paint that I used for the walls on the panels. I also have most all the paiint colors that I used for the turf and the scenery. The only thing I still have to figure out is what color to use for the gravel roads. They are multi-color shingles.
Another Canadian scene shot at the club.
DSC_0145 , on Flickr