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FYI Memo on Unauthorized Internet Selling of Athearn Products
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James, I hate to say this but you're all wrong on the Ebay thing. Check out a follow up post on Trainorders on this subject. You'll see that Horizon has even supposedly officially stated they encourage their authorized dealers to use ebay and other online auctions to sell product. <br /> <br />http://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?3,782785 <br /> <br />Further, I challenge you (well, not seriously) to attempt to sell Disney, IBM, Dell, etc items on ebay and portray yourself as an authorized dealer of these same products, (which you obviously are not) and see how fast and hard the likes of Disney, IBM, etc come down on you. They'll have the Feds knocking on your door, and not just their team of lawyers. I wouldn't recomend trying it. Nothing personal, really, but your logic again has some flaws. <br /> <br />I like Walthers and I like Athearn. I think Walthers got hurt more by losing Athearn than Athearn got hurt by losing Walthers. The many LHS's that I shop at that still carry Athearn (4 out of 5), also still buy product from Walthers. So they haven't stopped buying Athearn product, they just don't buy it from/through Walthers. With all of the new Athearn product still being pumped out, it doesn't look like Athearn is really hurting or struggling since the whole Horizon thing. Perhaps it's still too early to tell, but there aren't any signs showing yet. <br /> <br />I don't wish unemployment on anyone, (nor the MDC folks). But if you have an issue with them losing their jobs, the issue is really with the original owner and founder of MDC as he's the one who sold the company. The move to the new owner's facility was a given in the deal. Personally I don't have an issue with him, he deserves to enjoy his well earned retirement, and also, from what I've seen published, the employees at MDC have been offered postions down at the new facility - it appears that many have chosen not to relocate. I probably would not have opted to move either, if I were happy living in the original local, but it's not like they weren't given the option. <br /> <br />I don't mean to make this sound like an Athearn lovefest, as I don't particularly like blind loyalty to any given manufacturer. Nor do I mind real flaws by Athearn being made known, so we can all make informed decisions. However, I will bring to light any statements or posts that contradict the facts or where the logic does not follow, if only to attempt to bring some objectivity or balance to the discussion. Otherwise, we'd have bad information and make poorly informed decisions in our purchases. This particular time it concerns Athearn. Next time it will likely be another, and Kato, Atlas, P2k, etc all deserve similar treatment. Enjoy the Hobby! <br /> <br />Greg
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