Does anyone know if there has been any video describing the structures on the Winston-Salem project railroad?
I see the four about scratch building the three or four small structures, and the one about adding details to a portion of the Atlas building, but what I'm looking for is something showing the entire Atlas building construction as well as some of the other structures on the railroad.
Thanks for asking about the Atlas complex. We shot a lot of video on building the structures on the Winston-Salem Southbound layout, but we did not film the Atlas complex because it used nearly all the same techniques we'd shown with the other videos in the series. However, I can tell you where all the donor parts came from and a little about each of the three buildings.
I worked from the couple of prototype photos we had to get a rough approximation of the buildings, and none of them are acurate reproductions.
Working along from left to right, the building with the covered dock was made from pieces of several Atlas Middlesex manufacturing kits (item no. 0721). Jim Hediger had used the front pieces from about 6 of these kits a couple of years ago to make the large warehouses on the Rice Harbor layout, but he left all the back walls in the box.
I had to do quite a bit of cutting and fitting to get the wall pieces I needed. Since no one will ever see the front, I used a sheet of blank styrene to form the street-side wall. I used styrene strip and sheet stock to make the large covered loading dock, then painted it all to look like weathered wood.
The center building in the line-up is built with parts from City Classics Smallman Street Warehouse building (kit no. 103). I modified the structure quite a bit, cutting it down from three sections wide to two, and added a 4th floor by using the upper wall add-on set (kit no. 203). I cut open the loading door panels to make the recessed loading dock. The blank brick sidewall was made by laminating a sheet of Walthers brick (item no. 933-3523) over the City Classics wall.
I scratchbuilt the dock doors with various styrene strip and sheet stock. If I had it to do over again, I'd have modeled at least one door partially open. The open windows are modeled by cutting up more City Classics window parts, and then gluing the new sashes over the tops of the existing windows with the appropriate mullions cut out.
The final building in the Atlas row was made from leftover parts from a Walthers American Hardware Supply (kit no. 933-3097). I'd used many other parts from this kit for the Madison Station project on season two of Rehab My Railroad, but the flat curtain walls were still in the kit, and they were similar to the Atlas walls.
Again, I cut out the first floor brick and window panels to build the recessed loading dock. This model also used more of the Walthers brick sheet to make the blank sidewall between this and the center building. And I scratchbuild more loading doors for the model as well.
After that, it was a matter of painting and detailing everything, which involved a lot of masking on the two curtain-wall structures.
It took about 5 months to build the three models for Atlas, but that's only because I worked on it between a lot of other projects. Often the Atlas buildings sat on the layout waiting for me to come back to them for weeks at a time.
Hopefully that helps some. They were a fun project, and the end results have the look and feel of the prototype, which is what I was after.
Thanks for asking,
dpoppHopefully that helps some
David, thank you, yes it does. There are also some structures at the right side of the layout. Any info on those?
And are there any of the videos that show a close up of the structures?
Thanks again.