Has anyone installed the WOWsound Steam Decoder? I was looking at ordering one but was told there had been some issues with these decoders. I've listened to the sound bytes and have to say I'm very impressed with them. Saying that I just want to make sure before I invest in them I'm getting a good product.
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
A friend was a beta tester and he's been pretty impressed with them. Here's an install he did early on. The working bell is his doing, but requires a decoder that can be programmed to work it, which the WOW can.
My understanding is that early versions of both steam and diesel decoders have had some small issues, but TCS has stood behind the product and made things good in every case I'm aware of. Things are supposed to be in good shape now in general is the take I get.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
Mike summed things up pretty well,IMO. You can find several WOWsound threads on the first page of the "Electronics and DCC" forum today.
Sure good to hear from you again Fergie.
Where are you this time ?
Johnboy out............
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
I just installed one last week, I'm very impressed. No issues besides my lack of understand the complexity compared to what I was used to, once the lightbulb light up over my head all is good. (hint, use the "audio assist" to program sounds and this tool to change CV's.) Credit to Mike "Middleman" for that link.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
I bought three when they were first available and did manage to find time to install one in a BLI Blueline USRA Mikado that was sold "as-is" due to non functioning sound. Turned out to be a bad speaker but I ripped out the Blueline decoder anyway and put in the WOWsound.
Other than the bell and whistle selection, address and reducing the default momentum (which is set pretty high!) I have not messed with any other CVs. It is one of my favorite locomotives now. The "drifting/working" sounds are one of the best I have witnessed. I just demonstrated it the other day for visitors and as the train approached a grade, exhaust was barely perceptible, then she dug in for the climb and the stack talk really sounded like the engine was working, then as it leveled off the exhaust returned to a quieter pace. Turning the throttle down you get a very good effect of a drifting engine. Motor control is fabulous as well!
The Keep Alive feature is a big plus, too.
I'll be getting more...
I installed the Wow sound steam in Bachmann K4, HO. Simply excellent. I believe I installed a 25mm speaker.
i agree about the Keep alive, a nice feature.
TCS has an installaton guide for some installations on their website for WOW decoders
They also have a large list of installatons for theye non-sound decoders in most scales; this is the HO list
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
I have one installed in my N scale GS-4 and my N scale Proto 2000 Heritage Unit 2-8-4. I love them!