We have The Stan Whey Bac logging Co.
Phil, CEO, Eastern Sierra Pacific Railroad. We know where you are going, before you do!
These buildings are all businesses named after my grandkids, although it is only in mockup stage, it allows me time to adjust to their changing careers.
Life is what happens while you are making other plans!
The Dynamite city mutions and explosives factory. Guess what they made? Well until one day someone got careless, and blew the factory and created a giant crater in its place. Si now it's a demolition site, with gondolas and hoppers carrying away the debris.
(My Model Railroad, My Rules)
These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway. As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).
These posts are all hilarious! I have enjoyed reading each and every one.
I also remember some well-published modeler, I can't remember who it was, had a major industry on his layout that produced "effluvium". Maybe it was John Armstrong. Anyone remember who that was?
I have an industry called the "California Nut House" and it is "Home of the fruits, nuts and flakes." My dad built it about 12 years ago.
Colorado Front Range Railroad: http://www.coloradofrontrangerr.com/
A long-gone layout of mine acknowledged my career in editing and publishing with the Consolidated Paragraph factory. Large cars in, small cars out.
I have a few subtle tributes to my favorite TV show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. For instance, the town of Dos Manos and the Hotel Torgo. I'm also planning a Deep 13 Mine.
The radio repair shop in Mineral Ridge has a sign that says, "Tom's Servos Sold Here".
Verne Niner's Estrella & Sonora Grande had an industry that produced Frijolene, a gasoline additive derived from beans.
dinwittyMy coal mine name isnt going to be exactly nonsense, I'm calling it Emerson Energy and Power, the average person won't know but its a kinda tribute to Keith Emerson and his mad keyboard skillz, and a side splitz reference to Emerson Lake and Palmer.
Alright, another ELP fan. Saw them in 1974 in Germany, but can't remember if it was Ludwigshafen or Mannheim as I can't recall if we crossed the river on the way to the concert or not. Been a long time. Thanks for them memories, it was a plesant summer evening in a roofed but open air pavilion. They rocked.
Another possibility would be Emerson Light & Power...
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
For a club layout I belonged to before coming to MR, I built the Early Brewing Co., with a billboard on top bearing the slogan, "If You Drink Beer, Start Drinking Early!"
My home layout is a bit more prototypical, so no pun business names there. But there is a small body of water called Comealong Pond, a reference to Doctor Who. I can get away with that because there's no sign, so only my wife and I know about it.
As for the OP's question, an Acme Widget Co.-type industry that receives and ships anything... does a team track count?
--Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editorsotte@kalmbach.com
Steven OtteMy home layout is a bit more prototypical, so no pun business names there. But there is a small body of water called Comealong Pond, a reference to Doctor Who. I can get away with that because there's no sign, so only my wife and I know about it.
In addition to being a Dr. Who reference, here in the Midwest many folks who would see a pond named that and assume it was referring to a fence-stretcher -- unless they watch PBS
So you may be underneath the radar more than you think with that name.
Ray Dunakin I have a few subtle tributes to my favorite TV show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. For instance, the town of Dos Manos and the Hotel Torgo. I'm also planning a Deep 13 Mine. The radio repair shop in Mineral Ridge has a sign that says, "Tom's Servos Sold Here".
Joel or Mike ??? Can you sing the Jet Jaguar song ;-)
Have fun with your trains
mlehman Steven Otte My home layout is a bit more prototypical, so no pun business names there. But there is a small body of water called Comealong Pond, a reference to Doctor Who. I can get away with that because there's no sign, so only my wife and I know about it. Steve, In addition to being a Dr. Who reference, here in the Midwest many folks who would see a pond named that and assume it was referring to a fence-stretcher -- unless they watch PBS So you may be underneath the radar more than you think with that name.
Steven Otte My home layout is a bit more prototypical, so no pun business names there. But there is a small body of water called Comealong Pond, a reference to Doctor Who. I can get away with that because there's no sign, so only my wife and I know about it.
On my portable show layout
vsmithRay DunakinI have a few subtle tributes to my favorite TV show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. For instance, the town of Dos Manos and the Hotel Torgo. I'm also planning a Deep 13 Mine.The radio repair shop in Mineral Ridge has a sign that says, "Tom's Servos Sold Here".Joel or Mike ??? Can you sing the Jet Jaguar song ;-)
Ray DunakinI have a few subtle tributes to my favorite TV show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. For instance, the town of Dos Manos and the Hotel Torgo. I'm also planning a Deep 13 Mine.The radio repair shop in Mineral Ridge has a sign that says, "Tom's Servos Sold Here".
"Halive Oil Co."
"Bear Whiz Beer... It's In the Water, That's Why it's Yellow.""Morningwood Mattress Company -- If You Slept Well, You've Got Morningwood."
Disclaimer: This post may contain humor, sarcasm, and/or flatulence.
Michael Mornard
Bringing the North Woods to South Dakota!
There was (and maybe still is) a real company named Cambridge Nipple; they made pipe fittings in MA.
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
chutton01Both you guys - you should really just relax. BTW, how many Plasticville building kits can you indentify in this clip?
I feel so insignificant! Funny, I was just watching that episode last night.
Ray Dunakin chutton01 Both you guys - you should really just relax. BTW, how many Plasticville building kits can you indentify in this clip? I feel so insignificant! Funny, I was just watching that episode last night.
chutton01 Both you guys - you should really just relax. BTW, how many Plasticville building kits can you indentify in this clip?
About 50 kits, ha ha. I'm trying to convince the wife to let me make a "tank top" for Halloween, no sale so far.
vsmith Ray Dunakin chutton01 Both you guys - you should really just relax. BTW, how many Plasticville building kits can you indentify in this clip? I feel so insignificant! Funny, I was just watching that episode last night. About 50 kits, ha ha. I'm trying to convince the wife to let me make a "tank top" for Halloween, no sale so far.
chutton01 vsmith Ray Dunakin chutton01 Both you guys - you should really just relax. BTW, how many Plasticville building kits can you indentify in this clip? I feel so insignificant! Funny, I was just watching that episode last night. About 50 kits, ha ha. I'm trying to convince the wife to let me make a "tank top" for Halloween, no sale so far. I was thinking more of the individual kits, in that 3 second shot I noted the Cape Cod, the Ranch House, the Union Station, and the Split Level, and while there were dups, there were also some other kits I couldn't identify (still haven't figured out how to step frame-by-frame in YouTube without paying for an 3rd party app). The Best Brains also do HO scale, as witness those LifeLike figures populating the Quinn Martin Nature Preserve in E5S20 "Radar Secret Service". And what does MST3k have to do with this thread anyway? Well, witness my second post which has the ad for 'SPACOM' - SPACOM, which sharpens knives, removes liver spots, waxes your car, makes a tasty treat for the kids and...boy, does it catch fish (it also changes color every few seconds, which I think beats the Montgomery Burn's radioactive waste overflow tank on StebbyCentrals' layout).Sorry Vsmith, but I'd have to agree with your wife about the tank tops - those guns will catch on everything at the party and leave a wake of destruction. Better to go with the BGC-19 Personal Mobile drum kit instead - you can do Rimshots when your fellow party-goers make bad jokes...
I was thinking more of the individual kits, in that 3 second shot I noted the Cape Cod, the Ranch House, the Union Station, and the Split Level, and while there were dups, there were also some other kits I couldn't identify (still haven't figured out how to step frame-by-frame in YouTube without paying for an 3rd party app). The Best Brains also do HO scale, as witness those LifeLike figures populating the Quinn Martin Nature Preserve in E5S20 "Radar Secret Service". And what does MST3k have to do with this thread anyway? Well, witness my second post which has the ad for 'SPACOM' - SPACOM, which sharpens knives, removes liver spots, waxes your car, makes a tasty treat for the kids and...boy, does it catch fish (it also changes color every few seconds, which I think beats the Montgomery Burn's radioactive waste overflow tank on StebbyCentrals' layout).Sorry Vsmith, but I'd have to agree with your wife about the tank tops - those guns will catch on everything at the party and leave a wake of destruction. Better to go with the BGC-19 Personal Mobile drum kit instead - you can do Rimshots when your fellow party-goers make bad jokes...
LOL dang I hadn't thought about that aspect. Oh well maybe I can still do the Breakfast Bazooka for the next family christmas pancake breakfast
I've got a little one called West Ink Chemical Co. (Move the first space in the name 2 characters to the left.)
Gary M. Collins gmcrailgNOSPAM@gmail.com
"Common Sense, Ain't!" -- G. M. Collins
You forgot Squires...
WP Lives
In order to justify the use of cattle cars on my layout, I plan to have a slaughterhouse whose name will be "Vonnegut Meats" and right below the companies name wil be "Slaughterhouse #5". I also plan to have a brewery on the layout. The company's name will be, "Generic Beer, Inc." with the company slogan being, "Once you've tasted our beer, you've tasted them all." The scene will be completed by having a string of beer reefers with the names of all the major name-brand beers parked on the brewery's siding. As you might guess, I'm not a beer fan. They all taste the same to me.
Couple of other names that you might consider using on industries on your layout actually come from real life.
There was a salvage yard on East St. in Frederick, MD that was named,"Reliable Junk". The name was later changed to "Reliable Recycling" to reflect current thinking.
When I lived in Winston-Salem, NC the local Sealtest Dairy was selling "Autocrat Ice Cream". When I pointed out to one of our neighbors, who worked in their marketing dept., that I thought they meant to call the ice cream "Aristocrat" he agreed, but said they had a gazillion of the containers printed with "Autocrat" on them so it would continue to be marketed as "Autocrat Ice Cream" for the forseeable future. He figured that no one would notice the difference.
Deepole Mine and Bob's Business a reference to a a very good friend who died many years ago. Actually, only my meat packing plant has a somewhat prototypical name, the rest are sort of personal jokes; or, referances to friends. If you can't use your imagination on this endeavor, what is the point in having one?
NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association: http://www.nprha.org/
I have several businesses on my layout named for family members. For instance, Sam's Rock Shop, Cora's Cakes, and the Princess Shilo Mine are named after three of our grandchildren. (I'll get the other three in there eventually.) Serenity Canyon and Cora Canyon are also named after grandchildren. I'm planning a jewelry shop which will be a tribute to my brother and his wife, who make fine-art jewelry.
I also have, or am planning, a few tributes to friends and fellow modelers. Grandt Cliff is one. The radio repair shop is named after a modeling friend, Bob Santos.
Have on tongue in cheek industry on our club layout "Hoffa Cement Works"
Hello All,
One of the BEST threads I've seen/participated in!!!
When I was thinking of names for my railroad there was the Platte River & Buckskin Lines (P.R. & B.S. Lines).
I also considered the Avon Creek/Denver Central (AC/DC).
The Platte Canyon Buckskin (P.C.B.S.) also came to mind.
Hope this helps.
"Uhh...I didn’t know it was 'impossible' I just made it work...sorry"
In Blythe, CA there is an actual business called "Passmore Gas"