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Power Problems!

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Power Problems!
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 4, 2002 7:51 PM
I recently moved my tracks to another room and purchased a beautiful Williams GP38-100 hand painted to Maine Central colors. When I run it on the track the power 'winks' out. It does not do it in the same place all the time, but is predominant at the point of electrical contact. I am using the transformer that Lionel ships with the New York Central package. I also have two k-line manual switches in the track. I have rechecked and cleaned all of the track. I am new to model railroading, and I am not sure where to look next. I am hesitant to run my engine for fear of doing damage to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 4, 2002 9:27 PM
Since the problem does not occur in the same place all the time it appears that its at the point where the power feeds to the track. Check that connection closely. I'm assuming that you are using one of those "snap on" connections for 3 rail track. Make sure its secure against the outer and inner(center) rail. Also look for loose track pins. They can sometimes work loose. Try a different loco. If it does the same thing then the problem is mostly likely as above...if not you may have a loose connection inside your new engine. Hope this helped....Vic

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