I have a Mantua Mikado, runs well but the gears behind the drivers really spoil the appearance. I think they made a version where the gears wear hidden or enclosed. I'm trying to determine whether there is any reason I shouldn't go with the enclosed version. Anyone with first-hand experience?
Mike Sayre
I assume you're talking about an engine where the wormgear is visible - where the motor gearshaft is connected to the drivers. In later years Mantua engines had an enclosed gearbox. IIRC you could buy a conversion kit from Mantua back then, no idea if it's still available through new owner Model Power, but you could drop them a line and see. Somebody did an article in MR or RMC years ago about adding "modesty plates" as he called them, basically black styrene screens that blocked your view so you couldn't see the model engines gearing or motor from the side.
Once possible fix would be to coat the offending gears with Neolube. This stuff will blacken the gears making them less noticeable while lubricating them at the same time.