Operating signals:
Show me a restaurant, or any place that serves food.
Matt from Anaheim, CA and Bayfield, COClick Here for my model train photo website
Here's a good place to get a quick snack while you are waiting for your train
Now show me a sit down food place
Don't Ever Give Up
Back in 1925 most all eating establishments were of the sit down type, including Rose's Diner... Now the food wasn't that good as Rose was a terrible cook, but the ladies waiting on table were very attractive, shall we say, and the prices were down right cheap! If'n ya wanted high fallutin' there was the Rev. Miller's bed and Breakfast right next door, but you had better say grace before you ate... OR ELSE!
Show me an old truck.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Here is a couple.
Show me the simple life.
I hate Rust
The simple life, playing his harmonica while figuring out which box car to hop into.
Show me another 'simple life'
Jarrell, what a great shot and perfect lighting!
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org
A nice simple game of checkers and a few cool bottles of brew after a long day ay work...
Show me some night life
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Night life, eh? Here's some from the Pennsylvania RR Museum's layout...
Show me something funny!
The timbers beneath the rails are not the only ties that bind on the railroad. --Robert S. McGonigal
Time is up on show me something funny.
Show me something that took a lot of time to do.
First Red Caboose kit that I built... took 3 weeks (weekends) to put together.
Show me something scratchbuilt
Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site
A storage building at Blackwood Mine, made from left over stuff.
Show me more scratch built, please. DJ.
A yard office for my layout.
Show me another scratchbuilt item.
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
The parsonage, next to the church, on the Boothbay RR Village layout was scratchbuilt by one of our members. It was designed after an early 1800s house he used to live in.
More scratchbuilt, please
Scratchbuilt General Store from my home town, used to ride my bike there when I was a kid, built from memory and an old newspaper photo, as a mini mart stands there now!
how about some small diesel locos, or "critters"?
NCE über alles!
I don't have a critter, but here is a photo from my website of an S-3 which should qualify as a small loco:
How about another 'small loco'?
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website: http://www.brvrr.com/
Wow, you really get to see some fine work here. I think time is up on the small diesels so
Show me your favorite structure on your layout.
A little late but here is my smallest diesel, a yellow trackmobile, and they probably don't get smaller than this.
Now let's honor Jarrell's request for your favorite structure.
Still a work in progress, but here's our favorite, our paper mill
Show me some big industries
Definitely my favorites, although the strings tend to tangle inside.
Oops, I think I got late... anyway, then show some big industry...
Here is the biggest I have. A refinery.
Show me a Canadian Pacific caboose.
Ken G Price My N-Scale Layout
Digitrax Super Empire Builder Radio System. South Valley Texas Railroad. SVTRR
N-Scale out west. 1996-1998 or so! UP, SP, Missouri Pacific, C&NW.
UMmmKayy, One CP Caboose coming up!
Please Show Me Something Unusual or Unique on Your Railroad/Layout!!!
The unique new print from CG N Scale is surely an unusual sight (in N scale that is)! This one is by far my favorite print yet! :D
Show me your favorite trailer.
Show me an intermodal operation
The start of intermodal, TOFC. DJ.
Show me more intermodal, please.
Looks like we're out of intermodal for the moment.
Show me something green!
All but a few of my locos and most of my cars are green. Show me some WIP
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
Packer, I assume WIP is work in progress...
This is a large background building I started late last winter, got a bit burned out on it so not much progress since late spring - maybe the cooler weather will get me back in the mood to finish it
show me more work in progress or before/after of something recently modified
My Tyco-to-Pennsy caboose conversion, which is taking me FOREVER to complete. In early stages here. Show me a completed modification.
E-L man tomMy Tyco-to-Pennsy caboose conversion, which is taking me FOREVER to complete. In early stages here.
Here are a couple of how-tos I did for replacing the trucks with truck mounted couplers with body mounted Kadee couplers and better repacement trucks:
Hope this helps move things along!!
Back to a completed modification.
Southern never had any F45's, but the premise here is that a couple SD45's were out on lease, got wrecked, and this is what they got as a replacement.
Is this "modified" enough?
If so - let's see a bay window - either on car, or a structure.
EMD - Every Model Different
ALCO - Always Leaking Coolant and Oil
CSX - Coal Spilling eXperts