I've about wrapped up my first rolling stock scratchbuild - this Monon rider car. It's built from a spare Blue Box 40' flat car and sheet styrene cut from a "for sale" sign, plus some scrap box this-and-thats. A little amateurish-looking under the all-revealing camera lens, but it satisfiies the three-foot rule pretty well (especially if I'm not wearing my glasses...).
Happy Easter to all!
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
Gidday All, Hope you don't think I'm being greedy but I've been having a ball !!
mononguy63 looks pretty fine to me even with my specs on.
PennCentral99 thanks for your kind words, Hans may be gone but his modeling "lives on." The next four photos are scenes from his modules, pity my photo skills? don't fully do him justice.
The mine was one of the last things Hans worked on.
Spent the morning tweaking one of the groups freight cars, faulty couplers, incorrect coupler height, poor running trucks etc, not that I mind, actually get a lot of satisfaction out of getting poorly running cars running properly. The payoff was that I got to run the "Perishable" all afternoon. .
"Quiet Afternoon At Arlee".
"Tall Timber".
"Off into the sunset".
Hope you have enjoyed,
Happy Easter
Cheers, The Bear.
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
The east bound 2 car local meets the west bound George Washington passenger service on the river bridge
See my Web Site Here
Silicon Valley Free-moN set up for a show at the Hiller Aviation Museum this weekend (and next).My first Free-moN meet, so much fun (and learning) with the longest layout I've ever run on (which, since I have a 2'x4', is not saying much).
Some photos and video:
watch?v=fhDmsQll78U&feature=g upl&context=G20f5a38AUAAAAAAAAAA
Thanks for looking and share your own great work.
Happy weekend!
M.C. Fujiwara
My YouTube Channel (How-to's, Layout progress videos)
Silicon Valley Free-moN
Great stuff again this week guys!
Nothing new on the BRVRR, but I thought I would post an old favorite.
NYC Hudson #5335 overtakes NYC Mikado #9519 at the West end of the BRVRR layout. Both locomotives are BLIs.
Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. You always make this the best thread of the week.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website: http://www.brvrr.com/
The greenery is finally starting to fill in on the Barre Branch.
I'm trying to model 1956, not live in it.
The building is finally finished... There are a few minor things I might tweak down the road, but here it is in all its glory, divorced from the surrounding scenery...Here's the back. I wanted to model the building as completely as possible, as I'm planning to do a module that will include it for either the N track crowd, or just to tote to WMRHS events. Zox's doors turned out first rate!And with the lights on...Uh-huh!And around to the front...I wish I had some smaller LEDs on hand for the platform, but the way I installed these, I can easily replace them down the road. And boy was it a treat sizing and fitting in those *** columns. You'll notice that the platform rises about an 1/8" from right to left to account for the modest grade that carries the main line. But it all worked out.I had to finish painting the columns and some other stuff when Andy came up to bed (school day tomorrow after spring break) so I brought the building down to the kitchen table to finish it, and took the photos there. I used all the available light in the room, and a 5 second exposure at F8. The shots that don't have the lights all blown out were done by disconnecting the lights after about a second, maybe less.... and plopped back down on the layout...That second view is my favorite, I think, but I'll need to photoshop out the the Thomas Sub shelf to really make it pop
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net