Hey you guys!!
I have a question for ya, I'm planning to build a medium to large Nscale layout in my Garage, right now the layout is in the basement (under Cat Attacks!!!) Anyway, I run my layout with the Digitrax Zepher, can I expand the system to operate like the Empire Builder, or do I have to upgrade to the actual Empire Builder starter set??
Thanks, Trainsrme1
Your Zephyr already does more than the Empire Builder (reading CVs' and has a program track) for some features and less for others (2.5A compared to 5A, 10 slots compared to 22 slots, no walk around throttle)
If you want to add a throttle, it is easy, just buy one and plug it into a throttle plate.
If you want to increase the slot limit or the number of amps you will have to upgrade the command station. It really depends what short comings you perceive you have as to what the solution should be.
You may in fact not need to upgrade anything.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
The Zephyr is actually 'newer' technology than the Empire Builder. The EB has 5 amps & a 22 slot limit, while the Zephyr has 2.5 amps and a 10 slot limit. The Zephyr has other features that the EB lacks:
If you do not plan to run more than 10 engines at the same time, the Zephyr is a better choice. You can add throttles/wireless at any time. If you do some shopping around you can 'buy' a EB starter set(DB150-DT400-UP5) for less than the DB150 & throttle seperately. Then you can use the DB150 as a 5 amp 'booster' off of the Zephyr, or use the DB150 as a EB command station. Then you have a 'no waste' upgrade project.
I have a Chief series(DCS100) command station(a little overkill) and love it. I also have a DCS050 'Zephyr'(I got a 'deal' on it when a LHS went out of business). I am very impressed with the 'Zephyr' command station. I have the Zephyr set up in the upstairs bedroom/office and have it hooked up to some Bachmann EZ Track. I use it for decoder install/testing. It also is the backup for the 'Chief' if it fails down the road. One thing I like about the Digitrax hardware is that there is little 'left over' stuff after an upgrade. About the only Digitrax hardware I have thrown out is the old PR1 programmer. It was replaced by a Locobuffer USB connection to the 'train' computer.
Tfhe layout fills a 25' by 20' room, and has a 5 amp command station and a 5 amp booster. Normally there is no more than 8-9 'active' engines running on the layout. Any engine or consist not being used is 'dispatched' off from the slot limit. As I mentioned, I have 'way too much' power for the layout!
Jim Bernier
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
I have a Zephyr serving my 12' by 22' layout, and love it. It works great for me, and I've hooked up an extensive Loconet system that allows me to run a train anywhere on the layout using a wired UT4 throttle. The Zephyr also serves as the yard throttle. I've never had any problems with not enough power, but if that becomes an issue I can add a booster.
I'd stick with the Zephyr. Just my
Unless you need to have more than 10 trains running at once, keep the Zephyr as the command station for the reasons mentioned above - it actually does MORE than the Super Empirer Builder's command station (DB150).
If for some reason you need more amps - if you are running 8 trains with a total current draw of 4 amps, for example, then add the DB150 as a booster and keep the Zephyr as the command station. Or if you want a DT400 throttle, buy a Super Empire Builder set and use the DB150 as a booster only. The set costs less than the DB150 and DT400 seperately. Unless your Zephyr is actually shuttong down from overload when you have your maximum number of trains running, you have plenty of power and don't need to add anything extra.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
Thanks guys, I'm going to keep my Zephar, I have already bought a UT4 throttle and I have two mrc smooth DC power packs for throttles and power for lights in my towns,so now I think I will add some universal throttle panels around the layout, Thanks again