I've after thought of putting the Stargate SG-! team standing around looking at trains on my layout.
corsair7 wrote: I've after thought of putting the Stargate SG-! team standing around looking at trains on my layout. Irv
I've also had this thought but settled for the "SG1" graffitti on my bridge...LOL!
I still want to build a crashed ufo into my layout some where.
I love SG1 and will have them incorperated into my layout in the future also.
It is after all, about having fun!
corsair7 wrote:I've after thought of putting the Stargate SG-! team standing around looking at trains on my layout. Irv
Got to have Samantha Carter and Vala Malduran!
de N2MPU Jack
Proud NRA Life Member and supporter of the 2nd. Amendment
God, guns, and rock and roll!
Modeling the NYC/NYNH&H in HO and CPRail/D&H in N
By the way, anybody feel like scratchbuilding a dinosaur?
alco49 wrote: BUMPBy the way, anybody feel like scratchbuilding a dinosaur?
Replacing rivet counting with scale, teeth and toe counting?
mustanggt wrote:How about the T-rex escape scene from Jurassic park 2? it attacks a bus in the movie, so why not have it attacking a BNSF or Metrolink train
Not a BNSF fan are we?
Autobus Prime wrote:Folks:I think the important thing is to find a prototype justification. I. E. spacetime malfunctions at the Acme Portable Posthole Factory.
LOL.....now I need to go to Lowes and special order 2 dozen post holes!!!!!!!
concretelackey wrote: Autobus Prime wrote:Folks:I think the important thing is to find a prototype justification. I. E. spacetime malfunctions at the Acme Portable Posthole Factory.LOL.....now I need to go to Lowes and special order 2 dozen post holes!!!!!!!
Lowes only sells them in groups of 10. I understand there's a website that sells them in different sizes.
In the area my In'laws reside, there are some homes painted in totally tacky color combinations, so if you paint a structure and it comes out UGLY, just blame it on Montclair NJ.
semi personal to Con-key...tornado watch the other day in your region, get any?
I've got quite a few extinct beasts roaming my layout....
HEdward wrote:In several public layouts that I've seen(even the motion display at the camera shop that I was manager of)they've had dinosaurs on the layout. I've had a plastic dino since I was a kid and put it on all my layouts as well. Does anyone know why so many hobby shops, public displays and us not so finicky modelers have them? It's kinda weird that these long gone creatures have found homes on essentially technology displays.
This might be an old topic, but here's my answer.
I think that so many people (except rivet counters) but dinos on layouts because it's funny. Here's this model of something that's within a couple hundred years of history, and here are these beasts that for the most part, (and before you read this, understand that I believe the earth is only about 6,000 to 10,000 years old) have died off. There are still some (loch ness monster, champ [America's loch ness monster], and others]), but for the most part, you don't see them. Oh, and a bit off topic, but do you know why the word "dinosaur" doesn't appear in old texts or even middle ages and such? Becaus the word dinosaur wasn't invented until 1840s. So how can you use a word that you didn't know about back then. dragons in the middle ages were probably dinosaurs.
BTW, I'm not a rivet counter, but you won't see any dinos on my layout. I think it's just a stupid joke. But if you like it, go for it. just cause I don't like doesn't mean others can't enjoy it. It's your layout, do what you want.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
A large percentage of the model railroaders I know have extinct beasts on their layouts - even those who'd never consider adding a dinosaur to the scenery.
Of course, the extinct critters in question are steam locomotives that had been scrapped before their newest diesel was built....
As for me - guilty as charged. My Baldwin 0-6-0T and 0-8-0T are models of prototypes that was scrapped in the 1920s, 40 years before my era.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
I think the display layouts have them to get a hold of the viewer's overall attention. Once you see one odd item you by nature will search the layout for others. This is after all a hobby, not a vocation. Having fun, being entertained, challenged if that's your form of delight, whatever, is the reason there are hobbies to start with. Even the most meticulous prototype copying rivet counting perfectionist can put someting fun on their layout. They might make it easily removable if the NMRA convention comes to town.
As far as dinos being older than the Biblical history, I have my own ideas on that but this isn't a religion forum so we'll keep shut on that save that God is always bigger than whatever (figurative) box we put Him in.