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Objects on the counter

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Objects on the counter
Posted by mikesmowers on Monday, January 7, 2008 8:47 AM

   I am about finished building the Merchants Row I and I have been doing the interiors, I have built several counters, two in the bank, one in an Auto Parts Store and one in a Newspaper Office. The problem is that there is nothing on the counters and it just looks wrong. What  I would like to locate or build are things like cash regesters, counter displays, maybe some newspapers in the News Office, some of the parts books that were used in Parts Stores before the computer (There were usually at least two sets on the counter),  and general stuff you would likely see on a counter of a busisness when you walk in. I also am going to need several tables and booths to go in the resterant (SP) and of course a newspaper rack or two to go along the sidewalk in front of the stores.

   Any ideas on how to build some of these, or things around the house I could use, Is there a good place on line that I could ger some of them?

     Thanks for the help.               Mike

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Posted by hobo9941 on Monday, January 7, 2008 10:54 AM
Walthers has some dining car booths that would look OK in a restaurant. They also have some City Scene accessories, like bike racks, fire hydrants and phone booths. The rest you will probably have to make yourself. You might also check the craft stores. They have a lot of little interior details for doll houses, furniture, etc, but I have no idea what scale they might be.

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