jalajoie wrote: A scene on the club's modular layout.Jack W.
A scene on the club's modular layout.
Jack W.
The guy standing right behind the paver must be doing his impersonation of the first man to walk on the sun "hot...hot...hot". That stuff is pretty warm at that point. Great modeling though, Where did you get the paver? Maybe they are out there and I have not paid any attention to them.
Dan Pikulski
I'm working on making an inspection pit in my loco maintenance facility. I've made a good start but still have a ways to go.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hope you don't mind if I post on this thread even if the weekend if over, I had no access to my computer last night and I want to answer some questions that were raised.
Thanks mikesmowers and loathar for the nice comments with regard to my graffiti tanker. I will make sure they will be forwarded to my friend.
The paving scene on the club's modular layout is HO and the work of more than one modelers. We are a small club of 17 members and normally always chip in when it comes to special projects such as this scene.
UP2CSX wrote: Jack, that is one of the neatest scenes I've ever seen. I don't think I've ever seen an HO paving project done before and it looks very real, right down to the gravel sub-base for the asphalt. Did you do the asphalt using styrene cut to size or what? However you did it, I like it.
Jack, that is one of the neatest scenes I've ever seen. I don't think I've ever seen an HO paving project done before and it looks very real, right down to the gravel sub-base for the asphalt. Did you do the asphalt using styrene cut to size or what? However you did it, I like it.
The asphalt is plaster of paris painted with an airbrush.
pike-62 wrote: The guy standing right behind the paver must be doing his impersonation of the first man to walk on the sun "hot...hot...hot". That stuff is pretty warm at that point. Great modeling though, Where did you get the paver? Maybe they are out there and I have not paid any attention to them.Dan Pikulskiwww.DansResinCasting.com
Sure is hot in there, I will have to inquire if it is prototype and make the appropriates corrections. Thanks for pointing it out.
The paver was in the club's vehicles inventory, I don't know where it comes from. I could be scratch built, one of our members is a prolific modeler of 1/87 vehicles.
Thanks to all those that appreciated the scene.
pike-62 wrote: The guy standing right behind the paver must be doing his impersonation of the first man to walk on the sun "hot...hot...hot". That stuff is pretty warm at that point. Great modeling though, Where did you get the paver? Maybe they are out there and I have not paid any attention to them.Dan Pikulskiwww.DansResinCasting.comSure is hot in there, I will have to inquire if it is prototype and make the appropriates corrections. Thanks for pointing it out.
It is a great scene. As far as the guy being able to stand on the hot pavement, well, I'm watching our parking lot get paved as I type this. There has to be five guys working off the end of the paver and walking on the freshly paved asphalt doing various finishing work before the steam rollers get to it. I'm not sure how they don't get a hot foot - maybe they wear special boots? But yes, it's prototypical. If anything, there needs to be a couple more guys working the same area and at least four more trucks waiting their turn at the front of the paver.
Nice pictures all! Another great WPF.
MAbruce wrote: It is a great scene. As far as the guy being able to stand on the hot pavement, well, I'm watching our parking lot get paved as I type this. There has to be five guys working off the end of the paver and walking on the freshly paved asphalt doing various finishing work before the steam rollers get to it. I'm not sure how they don't get a hot foot - maybe they wear special boots? But yes, it's prototypical. If anything, there needs to be a couple more guys working the same area and at least four more trucks waiting their turn at the front of the paver.Nice pictures all! Another great WPF.
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your input.
KCS 682 (SD40-2) on switching duty in Leesville, 9/24/07.
Guilford Guy wrote:So this weekend I was at the summer house in Rhode Island. I figured I'd have a little fun and lay down about 16 feet of track.Theres a couple night shots and some shots of the following afternoon.I can't wait until I have a fully operational line :DI apologize for the quality of the night shots. Hard to focus in such dim lighting.And the day shots...Enjoy :) :D
Dude...I wonder how much metallic crap bits that locomotive motor picked up from sitting in that dirt!
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
I've been doing some ballast work on my layout lately. Here's the first train to run over the newly ballasted track.
Hi all, well, I finally broke down and created a photo bucket account to post some pics. Although we're not still in our new house and I'm probably months away from starting my new layout, I still want to contribute something. Here's a Life-Like GP38 dummy loco that I'm going to pull a "Million Dollar Man" job on and rebuild it into a Conrail GP38 Dummy. So far it's just disassembly and white masking until I can find some "Conrail Blue Paint" or something close to it and some decals, and railings and of course couplers. Hey, what do I have to lose?
Had a bit of a derailment today.
Since Alex didn't answer, I will. It's G.